Monday, January 24, 2011

Prairie Dog in the West

Laura Ingall's First Classroom

One room school house in SD.

Laura Ingall's first home in DeSmet , SD.
Mrs. McKenna riding in a Conestoga.

Shanty to live in on the Prairie.

Laura Ingall's First Classroom

Mrs. McKenna driving the Persion horses.

Waterfalls in SD

Hay bundles for the fireplace.

Replica of Ingalls home in SD.

Prairie Homestead

Pictures from Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Oregon Trail.

Pioneer PWIM Discussion

My Third Grade Classroom at Storm Lake Elementary is studying about the Pioneers moving West. We are learning what hardships they had to face while crossing the United States in their Conestoga or Prairie Schooner.  Some of those hardships were rivers, mountains, storms, wild animals, insects, sicknesses, starvation, and Native Americans.  They decided to go West for many reasons. They were able to start farming new land and set up a homestead.  The search for gold in California. They were risk takers who wanted to start a new life after leaving the colonies. There will be more information to come as the students learn about the Pioneers of the Old West.