The two classes are also learning about the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. They each wrote two pledges for their rights within our new elementary school and the reason why they should be inalienable rights. Then lastly, we wrote a class constitution for our two classes for rules and unto signed their signature with a feather pen. They thought this was very hard but how it must have been back in those days for our forefathers.
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A student wrote a story about "Lonely Zero" it is about Multiplication.
"Special Zero"
Lonely Zero was sad because everywhere he looked he saw numbers being multiplied by other numbers and making bigger numbers for their product. But... whenever Zero was multiplied by other numbers, it still equaled him, no bigger. He was worthless! The next day was the first day of summer. All of the numbers were playing in the sun except Zero who was too sad to play with friends. So, the next day at noon, he decided to go to the King Hundred of Numbers. Zero said, " I want to be a big number, one that can help the number universe solve problems with numbers." King Hundred answered Zero, "You are very special already, if "0" didn't exist I would be worthless also, but see I have two zeros. I am very proud to be 100. You are a part of me, without you I am nothing!" Then Zero felt much better about himself, when he stands next to "1" he makes "10" and when he adds himself again it makes "100", and he can even do many more numbers, like "1,000,000,000, a mighty big number." Zero decided to have a happy day and played the rest of the afternoon with all the numbers at the park. For he now knew, that he was very important digit for them to survive in the number sense world. Author's note: When I was younger I thought; why do we need zero? It's worthless. But then I heard this song called Zero my Hero and it showed that without zero, we would only be able to count to nine and trust me that is not very fun. So remember anything times zero is zero but, Zero is a hero.